Since its establishment, Meiko Network Japan has operated Japan's first private tutoring cram school, Meiko Gijuku, based on the educational philosophy of fostering independence, initiative, and creativity to develop human resources for the 21st century society. And with this philosophy of fostering human resources who support independence at its core, the company has expanded its business domain beyond the education business, including afterschool services and Japanese language schools, to include human resources and training services.
In a rapidly changing social environment, Japan faces a wide range of social challenges, including not only the accelerating aging of society with a declining birthrate, but also a shortage of workers due to a shrinking working population, reforms in work styles, widening economic and educational disparities between regions, and changes in industrial structure. However, we see these social challenges as new market opportunities and the chance to create new value.
We believe that each and every one of us must boldly take on the challenge of creating new value and breaking away from conventional ways of doing things and thinking. We will evolve from an educational business company that supports the independence of children to a “comprehensive human resource support group” that opens possibilities for all people, from infants to seniors, and realizes a bright future for each individual at each stage of his or her life.
We will also create businesses that solve social challenges that have affinity with our “Purpose” 'Create a memory of “You Can if You Think You Can”' and “Vision” by using “education” as an intermediary value, which we have cultivated based on our human resource development philosophy. We will build a stable revenue base by creating a number of businesses that solve social issues that are compatible with our “Purpose” and “Vision”.