( million yen )
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Sales : (Total) 18,218 19,039 19,647 20,871 22,579
Direct Management Business of Meiko Gijuku 10,297 11,557 12,186 12,860 13,355
Franchise Business of Meiko Gijuku 4,349 4,505 4,525 4,266 4,145
Japanese School Business 1,156 840 815 1,120 1,352
Other Businesses 2,414 2,135 2,147 2,803 3,726

( million yen )
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Period Ended
Operating Profits : (Total) 214 969 1,168 1,064 1,010
Direct Management Business of Meiko Gijuku 294 1,338 1,296 1,171 1,254
Franchise Business of Meiko Gijuku 1,428 1,367 1,763 1,298 1,116
Japanese School Business 54 (176) (187) 20 79
Other Businesses (276) (269) (306) (59) 57

Direct Management Business of Meiko Gijuku
--- Educational coaching at Meiko Gijuku, a individual tutoring cram school, and sale of products, such as learning materials and tests


Franchise Business of Meiko Gijuku
--- Provision of guidance on the establishment, operation, and management of Meiko Gijuku franchise schools, as well as the sale of classroom fixtures and equipment, teaching materials, tests, and advertising/promotional materials


Japanese School Business
--- Operation of Japanese school(WASEDA EDU,Kokusai Jinzai Kaihatsu)


Other Businesses
--- “Others” consists of the operating segments not included in reportable segments. It includes Kids Business (Afterschool), Jiritsugausyu RED, MEIKO Kids e business, HR solution business, and other businesses of consolidated subsidiaries Koto & Company and Simple Inc.

  • Youdec Co., Ltd. and Koyo Shobo Co., Ltd. were excluded from the scope of consolidation from the third quarter of the FY 08/2020.
  • FY 08/2021 includes 12 months of results of One link Co., Ltd. which was established by simple incorporation-type company split on September 1, 2020.
  • Tokyo Ishin Gakuin was liquidated on June 30, 2021.
  • FY 08/2022 includes 9 months of results of Cooth Corporation Co., Ltd. (December 2021 - August 2022). And 3 months of results of Simple Inc.  (June 2022 - August 2022).
  • FY 08/2024 includes 3 months of results of Meikowellness Co., Ltd. (June 2024 - August 2024).


  • These data are prepared based on the financial results reports.

  • The frequency of updates may change in accordance with changes to the format of the financial results reports.

  • Please see the financial results reports and other materials for detailed information regarding the settlement of accounts.

  • The contents of these data will not immediately reflect corrections to the financial results reports when announced.

  • While we pay due caution to the conversion of data for the posting, please note that there is a possibility that errors may occur in the information due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as the unauthorized alteration of contents by a third party or mechanical defects resulting from equipment malfunction.

  • Service provided by Nomura Investor Relations Co., Ltd.

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