Basic Policies for Corporate Management

<Management Philosophy

We aim to nurture human resources through our contribution to educational and cultural programs.

We help achieve goals through our development and diffusion of franchise know-how.

Based on the above two management philosophies, we hope to contribute to society through our business activities by developing human resources as a private educational company and by fulfilling our role as a self-realization support company by providing franchise know-how, and to be a company with high social existence value that is recognized by society for its existence.

<Educational Philosophy

To nurture creative, independently-minded human resources for 21st century society through an individual tutoring service that promotes self-motivated learning.

With the above educational philosophy, we hope to meet various needs for diversified education.

The Company has continued to strive to question its purpose of existence in society so that it can be a company that continues to be chosen to respond to rapid changes in the social environment while passing down this founding philosophy as its founding spirit. 

It has now formulated its “Purpose” its purpose of existence in society and the way it should be toward future society, its “Values” its guidelines for action and its “Vision.”

The Company now again declares the destination of its evolution for Meiko Network Japan that is in the process of evolution and the future beyond that.


Create a memory of “You Can if You Think You Can”

Meiko Network Japan will develop people who can say yes to themselves. 
We will make a memory and courage that lead to new things by cultivating a new viewpoint. 
We will continue to demonstrate new value to realize a richly creative society.


“Bright Light for the Future”

We will realize a bright future by becoming a corporate group that extracts the potential in people


Stand Side-by-Side

We will stand neither in front or behind. We will also not face each other. We will look in the same direction from the same point of view.



We will connect dots to create new knots. We will create new value with new combinations.


Say Yes to Ourselves

We will be ourselves – people who can say yes to themselves. We will make judgments and take actions. We will build society

Targeted Management Indicators

The Company's primary management objective is sustainable growth in sales and operating income.
We consider the ratio of operating income to net sales to be an important management indicator.

Target for the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2025
Consolidated sales 23 billion yen
Consolidated operating income 1.1 billion yen
EBITDA 1.35 billion yen