■ Important themes
Response to climate change and concern for the environment
• The Group is very aware that addressing climate change and environmental issues is one of its most important management issues. Based on the framework of the Paris Agreement and the Japanese government's target of reducing CO2 emissions to 0 by 2050, we recognize the role that companies must play to realize a sustainable society, and we believe that solving these issues through business will lead to sustainable growth for the Group.
• We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the negative environmental impact of our business activities.
• We will measure the total power consumption of all Group companies, set reduction targets, and make maximum efforts to achieve these target figures. We will continue to use renewable energy and implement energy-saving measures. As a responsible Prime Market listed company, we support the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and promote voluntary and proactive information disclosure. We will also actively disclose information by participating in questionnaires and surveys conducted by various research organizations, including the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project).
・ We will promote DX to reduce the amount of electricity used throughout the company and promote the use of recycled paper and going paperless.
・ The Company invested in a carbon neutral fund to support domestic renewable energy power generation business. We will contribute to the spread and expansion of renewable energy in Japan.
We are also considering the use of renewable energy in our facilities in the future.
Towards the construction of a decarbonized society
This fund was established by Z Energy Corporation (established in Sep. 2021). The fund not only invests in power generation projects that "produce" renewable energy power, but also provides a one-stop service for "using" renewable energy power. The fund aims to contribute to the diffusion and expansion of renewable energy in Japan.
Through this fund, we will address the social issue of climate change and strengthen efforts to build a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society.