■ Important themes
Assessing the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and improving corporate governance
• The Group will seek to strengthen corporate governance functions, including the activities of the Board of Directors, with the pillars of ensuring management efficiency, legality, and transparency for shareholders, and will work to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term.
• In order to further strengthen the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and its monitoring system, the Company has made the transition to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee system.
• The Company has established the Nomination and Compensation Committee to further improve the objectivity and transparency of the decision-making process for the remuneration of Directors.
• To realize our ideal Group, the Company discloses information on the skills, knowledge and experience required for Directors to fulfill their roles.
• The Company will start to consider introducing an evaluation system that includes sustainability in order to review the remuneration for directors (and other officers) system, link performance, and support the realization of climatic change and environmental issues etc. related challenging targets.
• The Company has established a Sustainability Committee chaired by the President to determine important issues for realizing sustainable management. We will ensure appropriate information disclosure and transparency in our efforts.
• The Group has positioned the prevention of corrupt practices such as bribes to public officials, excessive entertainment or gifts, collusion, misappropriation and breach of trust as one of the most important issues for thorough compliance. To this end, the Company is focusing on securing a sound business environment by enhancing internal systems that can appropriately respond to corruption risks and prevent them from occurring.